Optimalisasi Fasilitas dan Peran Media Promosi UMKM Angkringan Karangwaru Guna Mendukung Creative Economy Kota Yogyakarta

Optimalisasi Fasilitas dan Peran Media Promosi UMKM Angkringan Karangwaru Guna Mendukung Creative Economy Kota Yogyakarta


  • Dewi Puspitasari Universitas Janabadra
  • Novikasari universitas janabadra
  • Imamul Abror universitas janabadra
  • Wahyudin universitas janabadra
  • Hernan Crespo universitas janabadra
  • Edi Susanto universitas janabadra
  • Endah Setyawati universitas janabadra
  • Muhammad Fauzan Nurwakhid universitas janabadra




Angkringan, fasilitas dan promosi, peningkatan usaha


The community service activity with the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program, E-2 Group, in 2023 in Karangwaru Village, Tegal Rejo Subdistrict, Yogyakarta City, aims to (1) support the creative economy,

(2) enhance promotional media optimization, and (3) improve supporting facilities. The implementation method for this activity is Participation Action Research (PAR). The steps taken in this community service project begin with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with angkringan owners. The next step is the socialization to the angkringans in Karangwaru Hamlet regarding the KKN work program with the theme of Angkringan Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to Support the Creative Economy of Yogyakarta City through the improvement of supporting facilities and the optimization of promotional media usage, such as providing banners, tarpaulins, and lighting facilities.

The optimization of angkringan potential will be achieved through the planning of supporting facilities and promotional media to enhance the local economy. Problem: The existing supporting facilities and promotional media have not been managed to their maximum potential. Method: Procurement of supporting facilities and promotional media. Results: Appropriate planning for supporting facilities is needed, along with the creation of diverse, innovative, and commercially viable products, as well as optimizing the role of social media.




How to Cite

Puspitasari, D., Novikasari, Imamul Abror, Wahyudin, Crespo, H., Edi Susanto, Setyawati, E., & Nurwakhid, M. F. (2024). Optimalisasi Fasilitas dan Peran Media Promosi UMKM Angkringan Karangwaru Guna Mendukung Creative Economy Kota Yogyakarta: Optimalisasi Fasilitas dan Peran Media Promosi UMKM Angkringan Karangwaru Guna Mendukung Creative Economy Kota Yogyakarta. ADARMA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Janabadra, 10(2), 60–65. https://doi.org/10.37159/jad.v10i2.9


