Pendampingan Tamanisasi: Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Bukit Tinatar sebagai Destinasi Wisata Alam


  • Retno Lantarsih Universitas Janabadra
  • Danang Wahyudi
  • Erni Ummi Hasanah
  • Nurul Kholifah



Tinatar Hill is a natural destination located in Sri Mulyo Village, Piyungan District, Bantul Regency, currently requiring management to increase its natural charm to attract more visitors. Pengelola Wisata Bukit Tinatar has synergized with the local community and the Srimulyo Village Government to make various breakthroughs to make Bukit Tinatar a natural tourist destination that is popular with tourists. However, the land on Tinatar Hill is less fertile, so during the dry season, this tourist area looks very barren and hot. Pengelola Wisata has reforested several plants that dry out and die during the dry season. Pengelola Wisata Bukit Tinatar also continues to improve by creating a main park that tourists can find before entering the hill area. However, Pengelola Wisata still encounter obstacles regarding the types of plants that suit the conditions of the barren land and their maintenance. Based on this background, this service activity aims to increase Pengelola Wisata' capacity to create the main park on Tinatar Hill through outreach and mentoring activities. Service is carried out in the form of counseling activities, assistance with ornamental plants, and assistance with garden maintenance. The result of this dedication is the creation of the main park and the Pengelola Wisata' ability to maintain the park, but in the long term, there is still a need for high awareness of caring for the park.




How to Cite

Retno Lantarsih, Danang Wahyudi, Erni Ummi Hasanah, & Nurul Kholifah. (2024). Pendampingan Tamanisasi: Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Bukit Tinatar sebagai Destinasi Wisata Alam. ADARMA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Janabadra, 11(1), 30–35.


